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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2007;41(6): 391-396.
Clinical Features and Surgical Treatment of Bacterial Brain Abscess.
Sung Dae Jo, Ealmaan Kim, Chang Young Lee, In Soo Kim, Eun Ik Son, Dong Won Kim, Man Bin Yim
Department of Neurosurgery, Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. bach1158@dsmc.or.kr
S: This study was performed to review the clinical characteristics and operative results of brain abscess in order to define the therapeutic strategy for this disease.
We reviewed the medical records and radiology images of brain abscess patients treated in our hospital during the last 16 years. A total of 35 cases included 23 males and 12 females, with the mean age of 48 years old. We excluded cases of postoperative, post traumatic, and fungal abscess. All patient underwent at least one surgical treatment such as stereotactic aspiration or craniotomy with excision.
Twenty seven (77.1%) patients presented with symptoms of increased intracranial pressure. The frontal lobe was the most common anatomical place, and streptococcal species were the most frequently encountered pathogens. The chronic pulmonary diseases and chronic otitis media are common underlying condition. Eighteen patients underwent stereotactic aspiration and 17 patients had excision of their abscess as an initial treatment. Seven patients had a repeated surgery, 6 of them had been treated with aspiration initially. At discharge, 60.0% patients showed a favorable outcome.
The stereotactic drainage would be more suitable for the brain abscess located in deep and eloquent area. A large, solitary, and well-encapsulated lesion of superficial location could be best treated with complete excision, and this procedure was more definite because it is associated with less repeated surgery and showed more favorable outcome compared to aspiration surgery.
Key Words: Bacterial brain abscess; Stereotactic aspiration; Excision; Outcome
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