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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2005;37(2): 137-140.
Cerebral Aneurysm and Aortic Coarctation in a 46, XY Female. Is it Causal or Coincidental?.
Sun Min Ju, Hyeong Joong Yi, Yong Ko, Kwang Myung Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, Hanyang University Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. hjyi8499@hanyang.ac.kr
Most vascular disorders tend to affect both the brain and heart, and among them, a clinical syndrome constituting cerebral aneurysm and aortic coarctation(AC) has been well recognized. Persistent hypertensive impact to the cerebral vasculature with developmental anomaly of the neural crest, precursor of ectomenchymal, would be closely associated with development of the cerebral aneurysm in AC. Gonadal steroid hormone, a guardian of the cardiovascular system, has been known for its protective effects on the vascular wall. Gonadal steroid hormone (androgen) insensitivity such as 46, XY female syndrome may increase the risk of hypertention and subsequent vascular anomalies. The authors report on a 46-year-old 46, XY female patient with AC who underwent surgical clipping of the ruptured cerebral aneurysm. Clinical implications and proposed pathogenetic mechanisms of aneurysm in this intersex syndrome are presented and discussed.
Key Words: Aneurysm; Cerebral; Aortic coarctation; Hypertension; Steroid hormone; Gonadal; Intersex syndrome
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