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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2003;34(2): 125-129.
Clinical Results of Microsurgical Anterior Foraminotomy for Cervical Radiculopathy.
Dae Hoon Park, Ki Young Ryu, Kyung Sik Seok, Dong Gee Kang, Sang Chul Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, Fatima Hospital, Daegu, Korea. blue203040@hanmail.net
The authors present the clinical and radiologic outcomes of microsurgical anterior foraminotomy in 36 cases of cervival radiculopathy. METHODS: Thirty-six patients were treated with anterior cervical foraminotomy between January 1998 and June 2002. There were 13 men and 23 women(age range, 34-74 years). Twenty-nine had symptomatic soft disc herniation and 7 had uncovertebral osteophytes confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. Thirty-one patients had single anterior cervical microforaminotomy and five had procedures at adjacent levels.
Good or excellent result were obtained in 75% of the patients. On roentgenographic examination, the height of intervertebral space was maintained at twenty-one levels(51%) and was decreased at seventeen levels(42%). Two patients who underwent anterior cervical microforaminotomy developed kyphosis of the cervical spine and one patient developed instability of the cervical spine.
Anterior cervical foraminotomy appears to be a good alternative procedure for carefully selected patients with unilateral cervical radiculopathy and avoids a fusion of the disc space.
Key Words: Cevical radiculopathy; Anterior foraminotomy; Radiologic outcomes
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