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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2001;30(5): 553-560.
in vitro and in vivo Photodynamic Activity Study of U-87 Human Glioma Cell with Photofrin.
Woo Jin Cho, Kyung Keun Cho, Cheol Ji, Sung Chan Park, Hea Kwan Park, Joon Ki Kang, Chang Rak Choi
1Catholic Neuroscience Center, The Catholic University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Neurosurgery, The Catholic University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
The objective of this study was to determine the photodynamic therapeutic response of U-87 human glioma cell in vitro as well as in the nude rat xenograft model using photofrin as photosensitizer. MATERIAL AND METHOD: U-87 cells were cultured on 96-well culture plates, photofrin(Quadralogic Technologies Inc., Vancouver, Canada) was added into the cell culture medium at concentration of 1ng/ml, 2.5ng/ml, 5ng/ml, 10ng/ml and 20ng/ml. 24 hour after drug treatment, cells were treated with optical(632nm) irradiation of 100mJ/cm2, 200mJ/cm2 and 400mJ/cm2. Photofrin(12.5mg/kg, i.p.) was administered to 28 nude rats containing intracerebral U-87 human glioma as well as 26 normal nude rats. 48 hours after administration, animals were treated with optical irradiation(632nm) of 35J/cm2, 140J/cm2 and 280J/cm2 to exposed tumor and normal brain. The photofrin concen-tration was measured in tumor and normal brain in a separate population of animals.
By MTT assay, there was 100% cytotoxicity at any dose of photofrin with optical irradiation of 200mJ/cm2 and 400mJ/cm2. But at the optical irradiation of 100mJ/cm2 cells were killed in dose dependent manner 28.5%, 49.1%, 54.4%, 78.2%, and 84.6% at concentration of 1ng/ml, 2.5ng/ml, 5ng/ml, 10ng/ml and 20ng/ml, respectively. Dose dependent PDT lesions in both tumor and normal brain were observed. In the tumor lesion, only superficial tissue damage was found with optical irradiation of 35J/cm2. However, in the optical irradiation group of 140J/cm2 and 280J/cm2 the volume of lesions was measured of 7.2mm3 and 14.0mm3 for treatment at 140J/cm2 and 280J/cm2, respectively. The U-87 bearing rats showed a photofrin concentration in tumor tissue of 6.53+/-2.16ng/g, 23 times higher than that found in the contralateral hemisphere of 0.28+/-0.15ng/g.
Our data indicate that the U-87 human glioma in vitro and in the xenografted rats is responsive to PDT. At these doses, a reproducible injury can be delivered to human glioma in this model. Strategies to spare the normal brain collateral damage are being studied.
Key Words: Photodynamic therapy; Human glioma; Photofrin; MTT assay; Brain tumor
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