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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1999;28(1): 35-41.
Improvement of Cerebrovascular Reserve Capacity by Bypass Surgery in Patients with Hemodynamic Cerebral Ischemia.
Hyoung Kyun Rha, Kyung Jin Lee, Kyung Keun Cho, Sung Chak Park, Hae Kwan Park, Jung Ki Cho, Chul Ji, Hyung Seun Son, Jun Ki Kang, Chang Rak Choi
Catholic Neuroscience Center, Nuclear Medicine, Catholic University, Seoul, Korea
To study the effect of extracranial-intracranial(EC/IC) bypass on symptomatic patients with hemodynamic cerebral ischemia, we prospectively reviewed 14 patients who underwent EC/IC bypass surgery. A series of 14 patients treated in a 2 years period met the following criteria, 1) symptomatic internal carotid artery(ICA) or middle cerebral aetery(MCA) obstruction or stenosis over 80M, 2) decrease in basal cerebral blood flow(CBF) over 10%, 3) hyporeactivity to acetazolimide of CBF Amomg these, the type of ischemic episode was transient ischemic attack(TIA) or reversible ischemic neurological deficit(RIND) in 4, minor stroke in 8, and major stroke in 2. Of these, 10 patients had multiple episode of ischemic attack. CT or MRI were showed infarction of the MCA territory in 3, border zone infarction in 5, basal ganglia infarction in 2 and multiple lacunar infarction in 4. Based on our criteria, superficial temporal artery(STA)-MCA anastomosis was performed in 13 cases and EC-IC bypass grafting using radial artery in one. Average follow up period was 24 months. Postoperative course was uneventful in 12 patients. One patient suffered a postoperative stroke with complete recovery and another suffered operative wound infection. Of the 14 patients 12(85.7 % ) have had an excellent to good outcome with complete resolution or significant improvement of preoperative neurologic symptom, remaining two show no improvement of preoperative neurologic deficit. Bypass patency was confirmed by postoperative angiography in all cases except for one. Postoperative follow up studies of the basal CBF and response to the acetazolamide of the CBF showed significant increased CBF activity to acetazolamide in 12 cases(85. 7%) while the basal CBF was essentially unchanged in all cases except for two. In view of these finding, the authors suggest that EC-IC bypass surgery to be considered as an appropritate therapy for improvement of the cerebrovascular reserve capacity in patients with hemodynamic cerebral ischemia, defined using the strict selection criteria employed in this study.
Key Words: Extracranial-Intracranial bypass surgery; Occlusive vascular disease; Cerebral blood flow; Hemodynamic cerebral ischemia; Acetazolamide; Cerebrovascular reserve capacity
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