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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1995;24(8): 916-923.
Complication and Reoperation after Surgery for Lumbar Disc Herniation.
Yong Han Kim, Kyung Soon Ahn, Young Bo Sim, Jun Ho Song, Sun Kil Choi, Seung Koo Kang
Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul, Korea.
Retrospective analysis of reoperation and complication was made for 186 patients with lumbar herniated disc. The results showed complication rate of 7%(13 cases) and reoperation rate of 10.2%(19 cases). The primary complications were infections(9 cases), technical errors(2 cases), and scores(2 cases). Rate of discitis was 1.6%(3 cases). The outcomes of reoperation resulted in excellent recovery of 16%(3 cases) and good recovery of 58%(11 cases). The most common intraoperative findings of reoperation were inadequate disectomy or missed disc fragments 31.6% or 6 cases;epidural fibrosis 26.3% or 5 cases;and new herniation at other level 15.8% or 3 cases. Excellent and good results could be achieved in patients operated within 1 month or more than 6 months after while the patients who underwent reoperation between 1 month and 6 months showed poor results. The delicate perioperative menagement and complete discectomy, adequate bleeding control and laminectomy were considered to be essential in reducing the chance of complication and reoperation.
Key Words: Lumbar disc herniation; Complication; Reoperation
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