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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1991;20(5): 371-375.
Excision of a Cirsoid Aneurysm of the Scalp after Proximal Ligation of the Main Feeder: Case Report.
Choong Hyun Kim, Dae Hwan Kim, Jung Chull Kim
Departments of Neurosurgery, Korea Veterans Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
Cirsoid aneurysm of the scalp is difficult to manage because of complicated vascular anatomy and massive intraoperative hemorrhage. The authors report a patient in whom a large cirsoid aneurysm of the scalp was eliminated by excision after proximal ligation of the main feeder. Where possible, total excision followed by proximal ligation of feeders may be a effective ablative technique to manage cirsoid aneurysm of the scalp.
Key Words: Cirsoid aneurysm; Excision; Proximal ligation
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