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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1991;20(4): 199-207.
Flow Cytometric Analysis of DNA in Meningiomas.
Yong Gu Chong, Heung Sob Chong, Ki Chan Lee, Jeong Wha Chu, Yang Sok Chae
1The Departments of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
2The Departments of Pathology, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
The Flow cytometric analysis of DNA in tumors have been reported to reflect the cellular activities and proliferative rates. Currently, it has been used to predict the prognosis and responsiveness of tumors to various modality of therapy. The author analyzed thirty seven meningiomas(7 syncytial, 9 transitional, 6 fibroblastic, 9 angioblastic, 6 atypical) using paraffinembeddede tissues. The ploidy pattern and relative value(%) in the GO/GI, S, and G2/M phases were calculated for each specimen. In our series, All were diploid types except 6 meningiomas(2 syncytial, 2 angioblastic, 2 atypical). Diploidy with weak tetraploidy(upto 10%) was found in 8 cases(40% of atypical, 33% of fibrobiastic and transitional) but not in syncytial meningioma. Diploidy with strong teraploigy(10-25%) was found in 1 transitional, 1 angioblastic meningioma. There was wide variation in 4C values even in the same subgroups of meningiomas. The distribution of P. I values is even and lower especially in fibroblastic meningiomas. On the contrary, the distribution of P. I values is relatively uneven and highly variable in other types of meningiomas & even in the same subgroups of meningiomas except fibroblastic meningioma. The prediction of recurrences in operated cases remained further investigation due to lack of long-term follow-up.
Key Words: Flow cytometry; Paraffin-embedded; Meningioma; Ploidy; P.I. G2+M
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