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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1990;19(1): 21-30.
The Effect of Sciatic Nerve Transection on the Somatostatin and Substance P Cells in Dorsal Root Ganglia of Rats.
Sang Jin Kim, Ki Suk Koh, In Hyuk Chung
1Department of Neurosurgery, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Anatomy, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
The authors investigated the morphometric analysis of substance P(SP)- and somatostatin(SOM)- containing nerve cells in dorsal root ganglia. For this purpose, immunohistochemical method was used to determine the number, size and the morphological characteristics of SP- and SOM-reactive cells in L5 dorsal root ganglia of rats. In addition, changes in type A, type B, SP- and SOM-containing nerve cells in ganglia after sciatic nerve transection were also determined. The results were as follows : 1) SP- and SPOM-reactive nerve cells belong to the population of type B cell, but N/C ratios of immunoreactive cells were higher than others ; 2) in normal group, SP- and SOM-reactive nerve cells were 12.5 and 3.2% of total nerve cells in ganglia, respectively ; 3) the case of coexistence of SP and SOM in one cell was not found ; 4) and there was a marked reduction in the number of SP- and SOM-reactive cells at 2 weeks after nerve injuries. And SP-reactive nerve cells were increased in number at 6 weeks after operation, but SOM-reactive cells were not. According to these results, SP- and SOM-reactive nerve cells belong to type B cells, but do not coexist in one cell. These nerve cells were decreased in number after nerve transection. SP-reactive nerve cells were recovered at 6 weeks after operation but recovery of SOM-reactive cell was not found.
Key Words: Substance P cell; Somatostatin cell; Dorsal root ganglia; Sciatic nerve transection; Immunohistochemistry
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