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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1988;17(4): 769-778.
Clinical Analysis of Spinal Diseases in YUH.
Eun Sig Doh, Dong Ro Han, Oh Lyong Kim, Yong Chul Chi, Byung Yearn Choi, Soo Ho Cho
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Taegu, Korea.
A total cases of 1080 inpatients of spinal disease in neurosurgical department of Yeungnam University Hospital(YUH) from May 1983 to March 1988 were analysed statistically. 1) Of the total 1080 cases, the vast majority was degenerative disease 749(69.3%), and others were trauma 265(24.5%), tumor 28(2.5%), congenital anomaly 4(0.3%), infection 22(2.0%) and miscellaneous 12(1.1%). 2) In degenerative disease, male to female ratio in disc disease was 1.7:1 and in degenerative spondylolisthesis 1:3. And frequent age group of disc disease was 20~40(50%) and other degenerative diseases were 40~60(66.6%). 3) Most frequent site of cervical disc disease was C5~6(40%) and lumbar disc disease was L4~5(79.4%). 4) There were 265 patients of trauma, among them, spinal fracture without neurological deficit was 97(36.6%), soft tissue injury was 133(50.0%) and fracture associated with cord injury was 25(13.2%). 5) In 28 cases of spinal tumors, the most frequent site was extradural space 23(82.1%).
Key Words: Spinal disease; Inpatient; Statistic analysis
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