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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1988;17(4): 699-708.
Clinical Analysis of Primary Pontine Hemorrhage.
Kee Hong Lee, Seung Heon Kim, Young Jin Lim, Tae Sung Kim, Gook Ki Kim, Bong Arm Rhee, Won Leem
Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
We have experienced 80 cases of primary pontine hemorrhage who were admitted to Kyung Hee Medical Center from October 1982 to September 1987. All cases were confirmed by brain CT scan and treated conservatively. The hematomas have classified according to their modes of extension on computerized tomography. The outcome was assessed on their basis of activity of daily living. The results were as follows: 1) Pontine hemorrhage represented 7.8% of all primary intracerebral hemorrhages. 2) Age distribution was ranged from 3rd decade to 7th decade, and 65% of them were in 4th and 5th decade. The ratio of male to female was 5:3. 3) 91.2% of patients had history of systemic hypertension and most of them did not received antihypertensive medication. 85% of patients showed the systolic blood pressure on admission above 160mmHg. 4) Outcome I and II according to ADL were only .5%. The prognosis was affected by level of consciousness, blood pressure on admission, and size and extent of hemorrhage. 5) Majority of causes of death were injury to brain itself, and the mortality rate was 33.7%.
Key Words: Primary pontine hemorrhage; Hypertension; Level of consciousness; Extent of hemorrhage
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