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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1986;15(1): 141-146.
Radiofrequency Coagulation around stylomastoid Foramen in 18 patients with Hemifacial Spasm.
Young Sup Park, Moon Chan Kim, Chun Kun Park, Joon Ki Kang, Jin Un Song
Department of Neurosurgery, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
Patients with hemifacial spasm were treated with a radiofrequency stimulating assisted percutaneous radiofrequency facial nerve coagulation around the stylomastoid foramen. The initial series of 18 cases of facial spasm are described. The series included 10 men and 8 women, aged from 19 to 75 years. All patients had classical type intractable persistent hemifacial spasm. Although severe facial weakness was made after the procedure to control the heperactive dysfunction of facial nerve in all patient immediately after making lesion, all of them recovered within 6 months follow-up. The longest follow up has been 26 months and only one patient had repeated procedure who experienced recurrence of hemifacial spasm 6 months after initial procedure. The procedure is simple, easy to perform and has no definite complication except transient facial palsy.
Key Words: Hemifacial spasm; Stylomastoid foramen; Radiofrequency coagulation; Facial palsy
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