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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1985;14(4): 679-684.
Delayed CT Guided Stereotaxic Evacuation of Hypertensive Intracerebral Hematoma.
Sang Sup Chung, Hyong Chun Park, Yong Wan Kim, Yong Gu Park, Sang Kun Park, Kyu Chang Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Korea.
The authors analyzed 11 patients of hypertensive intracerebral hematoma who had undergone the delayed CT guided stereotaxic evacuation. this delayed stereotaxic evacuation seemed to be highly effective in improving the motor weakness rather than mental state. Such effect was appeared immediately after the procedures in most of the patients, even in very small amount of hematoma. In addition, we could shorten the total hospital periods. The most effective time of this delayed stereotaxic evacuation was seemed to be in around 2 weeks after the hemorrhage.
Key Words: Stereotaxis; Hypertension; Intracerebral hematoma; Computed tomography
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