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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1983;12(1): 127-131.
A Case of Malignant Meningioma Involving Frontal Bone and Frontal Lobe.
Hee Jung Yun, Seong Ho Kim, Dong In Kum, Youn Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Taejeon, Korea.
Malignant Meningioma is rare and its initial clinical course tends to be short but otherwise indistinguishable from that of benign meningioma. And although it has been noted that many of them have propensities for invading the dural venous sinuses, the skull, and even extracranial tissues by direct spread, there seems little tendency for these to metastases. The changes of recurrence and eventual death are high in malignant meningioma. Recently we have experienced a case of malignant meningioma involving the right frontal bone and frontal lobe with infiltration to the adjacent structures.
Key Words: Malignant meningioma; Benign meningioma; Recurrence; Infiltration
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