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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1979;8(1): 27-30.
Three Cases of Syringomyelia with Operative Treatment.
Tae Hoon Cho, Choon Woong Huh, Young Soo Ha
Department of Neurosurgery, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
Authors experienced the myelotomy for the syringomyelia in 3 cases. Moreover a recent case who underwent the craniovertebral decompression with myelotomy was associated with Arnold-Chiari malformation. Post-operative courses were uneventful in two but a case with the thoracic myelotomy became paraparetic after 5 years of follow up due to the spinal arachnoiditis. It seems that the careful studies, including the ventriculography and/or C-T scan are necessary to find the hind-brain malformation and to give the appropriate management.
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