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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1977;6(2): 513-518.
Two Cases of Posttraumatic Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion.
Dong In Kum, Kwan Tae Kim, Youn Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, Chungnam National University, College of Medicine, Korea.
Traumatic middle cerebral artery occlusion has rarely been discussed in the neurosurgical literature. Since Deveer and Browder reported the first case in 1942, only 24 cases of postraumatic middle cerebral artery occlusion has been reported until now. We experienced 2 cases of posttraumatic middle cerebral artery occlusion recently. One patient was 39 years old male who developed right hemiplegia, aphasia, and mental confusion after blunt head injury. Left carotid angiography was done and it revealed complete obstruction of the moddle cerebral artery in its initial portion. The other patient transfered to our Emergency Room under the semicomatous state with multiple facial laceration wounds. Simple skull X-ray revealed multiple linear skull fractures on the left frontal region. Left carotid angiogram showed complete obstruction of left middle cerebral artery in its proximal portion like as former case. During hospitalization, marked improvement was showed in both cases under the conservative treatment with steroid and low molecular weight dextran.
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