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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1977;6(1): 247-252.
A Case of Salmonella Osteomyelitis in Lumbar Spine.
Young Koo Lee, Dong Whee Jun, Ki Chan Lee, Jeong Wha Chu
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
Since Maisonneuve mentioned osteomyelitis by typhoid fever for the first time in 1835, numerous investigators had reported salmonella osteomyelitis. But these are very rare in its incidence ; only 0.82% of patients with typhoid infections have skeletal involvement. The authors recently experienced a case of salmonella osteomyelitis in lumbar spine respectively caused by salmonella typhi D group. A 48 year-old female was admitted to our Dept. of Neurosurgery with 4 months history of severe lumbago. On hospitalization her emperature raised upto 39 degrees C once and widal test showed salmonella typhosa OH 640x. Lumbar spine X-ray films demonstrated irregular bony destruction of L2 and L3 with mild degree of narrowing of intervertebral space of L2-3. Pus evacuation and currettage of involved vertebrae surgically were performed. Salmonella osteomyelitis involving intervertebral space was confirmed by culture of pus obtained from pathologic lesion and by biochemical test. Satisfactory result is obtained by surgical and antibiotic therapy.
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