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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1975;4(2): 409-412.
A Case Report of Sparganosis of the Orbit.
J H Shin, J K Chung, W B Kim, D J Kim, Y C Ok, K W Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, The National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
The sparganum is a parasite which lives in intermediate hosts, such as snakes, frogs, chikens and swines. The disease of the sparganosis can be arised when the sparganum, a kind of a tapeworm, invades the human body. It was regarded as a plerocercoid of Diphyllobothrium mansoni, because Manson, a parasitologist, had found this parasite. In Korea, Kobayashi in 1925 reported that 3 human case of sparganosis have been encountered. After that time, about 50 cases have been reported till now. But now, we call it sparganum en bloc and we think it is resulted from infection of this parasite sparganosis. There are many troubles in diagnosing the sparganosis in the departments of medicine, surgery, urology, dermatology and ophthalmology and they confirm the sparganosis by the operations. But there are many characteristics in the pattern and the course of the infection in each region. One case of sparganosis of left orbit, which was experienced at department of neurosurgery of the National Medical Center in Seoul is presented with a brief review of the literature.
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