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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2010;48(1): 31-36.
doi: https://doi.org/10.3340/jkns.2010.48.1.31
Mobile Computed Tomography : Early Experience in Korea.
Jin Wook Kim, Sang Hyung Lee, Young Je Son, Hee Jin Yang, Young Seob Chung, Hee Won Jung
1Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul Metropolitan Government-Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. nslee@snu.ac.kr
With improved technology, the values of intraoperative computed tomography (iCT) have been reevaluated. We describe our early clinical experience with a mobile CT (mCT) system for iCT and discuss its clinical applications, advantages and limitations.
Compared with intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging, this mCT system has no need for major reconstruction of a preexisting operating room for shielding, or for specialized instruments or equipment. Patients are placed on a radiolucent head clamp that fits within the gantry. Because it consists simply of a scanner and a workstation, it can be moved between locations such as an operating room, an intensive care unit (ICU) or an emergency room without difficulty. Furthermore, it can achieve nearly all types of CT scanning procedures such as enhancement, temporal bone imaging, angiography and three-dimensional reconstruction.
For intracranial surgery, mCT can be used for intraoperative real-time neuronavigation by interacting with preoperative images. It can also be used for intraoperative confirmation of the extent of resection of intracranial lesions and for immediate checks for preventing intraoperative unexpected accidents. Therefore, the goals of maximal resection or optimal treatment can be achieved without any guesswork. Furthermore, mCT can achieve improved patient care with safety and faster diagnosis for patients in an ICU who might be subjected to a ventilator and/or various monitoring devices.
Our initial experience demonstrates that mCT with high-quality imaging offers very useful information in various clinical situations.
Key Words: Intraoperative computed tomography; Mobile computed tomography
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