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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2008;44(6): 396-398.
doi: https://doi.org/10.3340/jkns.2008.44.6.396
Delayed Bilateral Abducens Nerve Palsy after Head Trauma.
Min Su Kim, Min Soo Cho, Seong Ho Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Daegu, Korea. shkim@med.yu.ac.kr
Although the incidence of unilateral abducens nerve palsy has been reported to be as high as 1% to 2.7% of head trauma cases, bilateral abducens nerve palsy following trauma is extremely rare. In this report, we present the case of a patient who developed a bilateral abducens nerve palsy and hypoglossal nerve palsy 3 days after suffering head trauma. He had a Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) of 15 points. Computed tomography (CT) images demonstrated clivus epidural hematoma and subarachnoid hemorrhage on the basal cistern. Herein, we discuss the possible mechanisms of these nerve palsies and its management.
Key Words: Abducens nerve palsy; Hypoglossal nerve palsy; Epidural hematoma; Clivus
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