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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2006;40(4): 300-303.
Korean Medical Citation Index(KoMCI) and Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society.
Hee Jin Yang, Hyun Tai Chung, Chul Kee Park, Min A Yi, Dong Gyu Kim
1Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. gknife@plaza.snu.ac.kr
2Editorial Department, Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, Seoul, Korea.
The authority and reputation of a medical journal is based on the number of received citations. Korean Medical Citation Index (KoMCI) provides information about citations of Korean medical journals since 2002. All six issues of KoMCI (from 2000 to 2005) were used for analysis. Citations, impact factor, and their changes were evaluated. We compared the data of Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society(JKNS) with other Korean medical journals. The impact factor(IF) of 2005 maintained increased value since 2004, although the impact factor excluding self citation(ZIF) returned previous low value. Improvement in proportion of Korean citations and in proportions of non-self received citations were encouraging changes. Although there were some improvements, the status of JKNS with respect to ZIF is still behind other Korean medical journals selected for comparison. Improvement of the status of JKNS by aid of KoMCI and enhanced reputation of KoMCI by its positive influence on JKNS or other Korean medical journals will be beneficial to members and medical societies of Korea.
Key Words: Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society; KoMCI; Impact factor; Citation
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