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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2006;39(6): 471-474.
Image Transfer Using Cellular Phones and Wireless Internet Service.
Dong Ah Shin, Tae Hoon Doo, Hyo Jun Kim, Hyoung Ihl Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, Presbyterian Medical Center, Jeonju, Korea. hyoungihl@hotmail.com
Neuroimaging data are of paramount importance in making correct diagnosis. We herein evaluate the clinical usefulness of image transfer using cellular phones to facilitate neurological diagnosis and decision-making.
Selected images from CT, MRI scans, and plain films obtained from 50 neurosurgical patients were transferred by cellular phones. A cellular phone with a built-in 1,300,000-pixel digital camera was used to capture and send the images. A cellular phone with a 262,000 color thin-film transistor liquid crystal display was used to receive the images. Communication between both cellular phones was operated by the same wireless protocol and the same wireless internet service. We compared the concordance of diagnoses and treatment plans between a house staff who could review full-scale original films and a consultant who could only review transferred images. These finding were later analyzed by a third observer.
The mean time of complete transfer was 2~3 minutes. The quality of all images received was good enough to make precise diagnosis and to select treatment options. Transferred images were helpful in making correct diagnosis and decision making in 49/50 (98%) cases. Discordant result was caused in one patient by improper selection of images by the house staff.
The cellular phone system was useful for image transfer and delivery of patient's information, leading to earlier diagnosis and initiation of treatment. This usefulness was due to sufficient resolution of the built-in camera and the TFT-LCD, the user-friendly features of the devices, and their low cost.
Key Words: Image transfer; Cellular phone; Teleradiology; Telemedicine
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