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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2004;35(6): 560-568.
Gene Expression Profiling of Meningioma by cDNA Chip.
Bong Jin Park, Gook Ki Kim
1Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Dankook University, Cheonan, Korea. hyunsong@dku.edu
2Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea.
The current progress of the molecular biological study is in the situation of documentation of relation between the tumor development and the gene mutation. We report an analysis of gene expression profiling of meningioma by cDNA chip. METHODS: Meningioma, tumor attached dura and normal dura were obtained during surgery. RNA was extracted from each specimen and cDNA microarray was done. After that, we confirmed the reliability of results from the microarray technique by RT-PCR. RESULTS: We examined the expression of the tumor related gene by cDNA chip. The genes showing two fold changes in the expression were analyzed to find the difference between two groups. The analysis of the tumor and tumor attached dura indicated that the expression of twenty four genes were increased and seventeen genes were decreased in the tumor. The analysis of the gene expression of tumor and normal dura showed increase in twenty seven genes and decrease in thirty one genes. Nine genes in the tumor showed more increase than those in the tumor attached dura and the normal dura. We performed RT-PCR using cytokines to confirm the reliability of the microarray result. CONCLUSION: The cDNA chip contributes as a good laboratory method to check various gene expression of the meningioma and the dura. In the future, the relationship between the expression of IL-1beta, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, and the function of each gene are required to investigate.
Key Words: Microarray; cDNA chip; RT-PCR; Cytokine
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