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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2002;31(1): 82-85.
A Case of Neurocysticercosis Presenting with Myelopathy and Hydrocephalus.
Jae Woong Yoon, Dong Youl Rhee, Hyuck Park, Hwa Seung Park, Soo Young Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, Busan, Korea.
The authors report a case of racemose neurocysticercosis presented with myelopathy and hydrocephalus. The cllinical symtoms were not relieved even after the operations with albendazole medication.
A 44 year-old man was transferred due to headache, quadriparesis and epileptic fit. Preoperative magnetic resonance image(MRI) on brain and computed tomographic cisternogram on brain and upper cervical cord showed racemose cysticercosis on vermis, medulla and upper cervical cord. Two times operations(vesicles removal and adhesiolysis on cerebrospinal fluid pathway) were done with albendazole medication(15mg/kg/day, 30 days). The clinical symtoms were not relieved. Ventriculoperitoneal(V-P) shunt procedure was done and the symtoms were improved.
The cause of aggravated hydrocephalus might be inflammatory reaction of the host to acute destruction of parasites due to albendazole in the brain.
Key Words: Cysticercosis racemose; Cervical cord; Hydrocephalus; V-P shunt
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