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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2001;30(12): 1417-1421.
Comparision of Imaging Features with Surgical Findings in the Patients with Craniosynostosis.
Hyung Soo Kim, Se Hyuck Park, Byung Moon Cho, Sae Moon Oh
Department of Neurosurgery, Hallym University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
The purposes of this study are to compare imaging features with operative findings and to determine significance of imaging studies for early detection of craniosynostosis(CS).
Plain radiograph of skull and three-dimensional(3D) CT reconstruction were analyzed in 10 consecutive patients with CS to assess the presence and the extent of synostosis. The radiological findings were investigated and compared with operative findings.
The locations of lesion were coronal suture in 6, sagittal suture in 3 and multiple sutures in one patient, and the age ranged 1 to 53 months(mean age: 17.4 months). Reconstructive procedures with or without advancement of supraorbital rim were performed in coronal CS patients and PI-procedures or synostectomy were done in sagittal CS patients. Radi-ological abnormalities such as sutural indistinctness or sclerosis, bony ridge, bossing and other bony deformities were nearly consistent with surgical findings.
The interpretation of imaging study are very important for early detection of craniosynostosis, especially, the plain radiographs of skull. Also 3D CT imaging is helpful in diagnosis and surgical planing of craniosynostosis. There are no significant differences between imaging features and operative findings in CS patients.
Key Words: Craniosynostosis; Plain radiographs of skull; 3D CT
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