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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1999;28(3): 335-339.
Recurrent Hypertensive Intracerebral Homorrhage.
Hack Gun Bae, Du Shin Jung, Jae Won Doh, Kyeong Seok Lee, Il Gyu Yun
Department of Neurosurgery and Neurology, Soonchunhyang University Chonan Hospital, Chonan, Korea.
The purpose of this study is to characterize the recurrence and to investigate the risk factors for the recurrence in the 989 patients who had hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage between 1989-1995. Fifty-three patients(5.4%) had two episodes of hemorrhage with median interval of 22.3+16.3 months(range, 1.7-71.9 months). The probable risk of recurrent hemorrhage was the highest within two years of the first hemorrhage, being 3.6 % in the first year and 3.5 % in the second year. The sites of the recurrent hemorrhage were different from the initial site in all patients. The common patterns of recurrence were "ganglionic(putamen/caudate nucleus)-thalamic" in 26.8% and "ganglionic-ganglionic in 21.4%. The "lobar-lobar" pattern was noted in only 2 patients, The overall mortality was 28.3%. In patients who had ganglionic-ganglionic pattern, the mortality was significantly inc reased (p<0.005). No recurrent hemorrhage occurred during the regular treatment for hypertension. The only significant tactor for recurrent hemorrhage was the antihypertensive therapy of less than 3 months after the initial attack(p<0.005). Considering lifelong treatment for hypertension, long-term regular control for hypertension will be required to prevent the recurrent hemorrhage.
Key Words: Recurrence; Hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage; Risk factor
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