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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1999;28(1): 55-60.
Simultaneous Ipsilateral Posteroventral Pallidotomy and Ventrolateral Thalamotomy for Advanced Parkinson's Disease.
Yong Suk Ki, Young Bo Kim, Uhn Lee, Chul Wan Park, Sang Gu Lee, Ki Soo Han
Department of Neurosurgery, Gachon College of Medicine, Gil Hospital, Inchon, Korea.
Stereotactic thalamotomy has traditionally provided good relief of tremor for patients with intractable tremor dominant in Parkinson's disease. However bradykinesia, dyskinesia and rigidity are less reliably treated with this technique. Although posteroventral pallidotomy(PVP) can alleviate dyskinesias appendicular bradykinesia and rigidity, tremor may not be completely ameliorated. Between January 1993 and May 1997, the authors performed posteroventral pallidotomy(PVP) on 69 patients with Parkinson's disease who had bradikinesia, rigidity, drug induced dyskinesia and tremor. Of these patients who had only PVPs 17(25%) patients had severe tremor, 20(29%) patients moderate tremor and 32(46 %) patients mild or no tremor after the surgery. We have combined ventrolateral thalamotomy(VLT ) and PVP in 37 patients with moderate to severe tremor. Of the 37 patients, who had both PVP and VLT, 27(73%) patients showed good improvement, and fair improve-ment in 10(27%). Except for 6 cases with transient dysarthria we did not encounter any other operative complications from the ipsilateral combined PVP and VLT. The combination of the two procedures appear to provide excellent relief for the majority of symptoms in patients suffering from advanced Parkinsons disease with rigidity bradykinesia, dyskinesia and tremor.
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