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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1998;27(9): S1317-S1320.
Accuracy of the References in the Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society Volume 26 and Frequency of Citation.
Kyeong Seok Lee, Jae Won Doh, Hack Gun Bae, Il Gyu Yun
Department of Neurosurgery, Soonchunhyang University Chonan Hospital, Chonan, Korea.
The Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society is the unique official journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society. However, it is not yet indexed in the Index Medicus or Medline. The author investigated the accuracy of the references in the Jourmnal of Korean Neurosurgical Society Volume 26 and frequency of citation. In 1997, 240 articles published in the Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society. The average number of references and frequency of citation were evaluated. Accuracy of the references was examined according to the instructions for the contributors which was revised at 1995. The references were described correctly in 104 articles(43.3%). In 136 articles(56.7%), there was at least one descriptive error. The most common error was an incorrect abbreviation of the journals, which was found in 87 articles (36.3%). Incorrect description of the books or chapters in a book was found in 62 articles(25.8%). Describing more than three authors was found in 31 articles(12.9%). There were some other faults, such as an incorrect author's name, omitting an article in the references, wrong order, or different description of the pages. The average number of references were 27.1 in total. The average number of Korean references were 1.3, and that of the Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society was 0.93. It shared only 3.43% of all references. Only 108 articles (45.0%) cited at least one Korean reference. The number of articles citing the Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society was 97(40.4%). It is an honor to publish an article in the official journal of his own academic society. However, submitting an articles which do not follow the instructions and publishing an inadequate article without proper correction would pull down the quality and the value of the journal. It is important to teach the way how to prepare an article. Meticulous review of an article is essential to improve the quality of the journal. It is also necessary to monitor the reviewer's missing.
Key Words: Reference; Citation; Article; Accuracy; Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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