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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1998;27(9): 1310-1316.
Rerupture of Cerebral Aneurysms during Angiography: Report of 3 Cases.
Seung Won Choi, Hyeon Song Koh, Jin Young Yeom, Seong Ho Kim, Shi Hun Song, Youn Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Taejeon, Korea.
Rerupture of intracranial aneurysms during cerebral angiography is a rare complication and it usually occurs with in 24 hours after initial bleeding. We experienced three cases of aneurysmal rerupture during cerebral angiography, and in each case, angiography was performed after 24 hours from the initial attack. We have noticed extravasation of contrast medium to subarachnoid space or intraventricular space during angiography. In result, two patients died and one patient was disabled moderately.
Key Words: Rerupture; Cerebral aneurysm; Angiography
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