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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1998;27(9): 1250-1256.
Clinical Analysis of Surgically Managed Cervical Spondylosis by Anterior Approach.
Dong Soo Kang, Young Il Ha, Sun Wook Choi, Sung Soo Ban, Chi Sung Ahn, Chang Seong Jho, Kwan Young Song
Department of Neurosurgery, Kangnam General Hospital, Public Corporation, Seoul, Korea.
Microsurgical anterior foraminodiscectomy was developed to improve the surgical result of cervical radiculopathy. We reviewed 40 patients with cervical spondylosis after anterior foraminodiscectomy with or without bony fusion over 5 years. The tunnel of anterior foraminodiscectomy was made at lateral one-third of the disc trajectory to intersect the uncinate process at the level of neuroforamen. The compressed nerve root and spinal cord were decompressed by removing the spondylotic spur and disc. The most common presenting symtom was radiating pain to upper extremity. The most frequent site of involvement was the C5-6. Operation of one level was performed in 57% of cases, 2 levels in 40% of cases and three levels in 3%. Of the 40 cases, interbody fusion was performed in 45% of cases. In 92.5% of the patient, the outcome was excellent or good based on Odom's criteria. Postoperative complications were encountered in 7.5%. The correlation between the clinical factors and postoperative results was assessed. As to age, duration of symtoms, herniation of soft and hard disc, number of the operative levels and with and without bony fusion, the clinical results were not stastistically significant.
Key Words: Cervical spondylosis; Anterior approach; Foraminodiscectomy; Clinical results
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