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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1996;25(11): 2229-2233.
Treatment of Recurrent Gliomas with PCV Chemotherapy : A Preliminary Report.
Ji Soo Jang, Jae Wook Song, Sang Min Youn, Chang Hun Rhee, Seung Hoon Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, Korean Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
Twelve patients with recurrent malignant glioma were treated with combination chemotherapy, consisting of procarbazine(60mg/m2, 8th-21th day), CCNU(110mg/m2, 1st day), and vincristine(1.4mg/m2, 8th and 29th day) every 6 weeks. Most patients had undergone initial resection of primary tumor, postoperative radiotherapy, and another form of chemotherapy. Response or progression was defined as improvement or deterioration in MRI scan. Assessment of response followed evaluation of MRI obtained after the completion of each two cycles of chemotherapy, if possible. Partial(more than 50% reduction of tumor mass) response at 15+ to 47+ weeks after chemotherapy was noted in three(60%) of the five patients with recurrent oligodendrogliomas. But in patients with recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma or gllioblastoma, partial response at 8+ weeks after chemotherapy was noted in one(14%) of the seven patients. It is suggested that PCV chemotherapy is more effective for patients with recurrent oligodendrogliomas than other recurre nt gliomas.
Key Words: Recurrent maliganant glioma; PCV chemotherapy; Oligodendroglioma
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