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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1995;24(9): 1084-1091.
A Case of Neuroendocrine Carcinoma in Anterior Cranial Fossa.
Tai Hyoung Cho, Jung Yul Park, Young Gu Chung, Hung Seob Chung, Yoon Kwan Park, Hoon Kap Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, Korea University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Neuroendocrine tumors are heterogeneous and potentially aggressive, and they must be distinguished from classic carcinoid tumors as the tumors share histologic features with their counterparts that occur in the lung, such as oat cell and intermediate cell carcinomas. Histopathologically, the oat cell neuroendocrine carcinoma displays itself in sheets, cord and rib-bons of small hyperchromatic, undifferentiated cells with very scanty cytoplasm. The intermediate cell is slightly larger than the oat cell and has more abundant cytoplasm. The authors report a case of a 52-year old patient with neuroendocrine carcinoma that occurred at the anterior cranial fossa extending into the nasal cavity. The patient presented with recurrent meningitis and seizure. Histological examination of the nasal biopsy tumor specimen confirmed neuroendocrine carcinoma, afterwhich the patient treated with a 4300 rad radiation therapy. Magnetic resonance imaging taken 2 years later showed an enlargement of the tumor mass at the anterior cranial fossa, and the patient was operated for removal of the intracranial tumor. The nasal cavity defect was reconstructed using rotation galeal flap technique.
Key Words: Neuroendorcrine carcinoma; Carcinoid; Radiation therapy; Rotation galeal flap
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