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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1995;24(7): 761-765.
Clinical Analysis of Surgical Cases in Cervical Disc Disease.
Tae Sik Chang, Kwan Park, Young Baeg Kim, Byung Kook Min, Sung Nam Hwang, Jong Sik Suk, Duck Young Choi
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
We reviewed 40 patients with cervical discs operated from Jan. 1990 to Jun. 1994. The most common presenting complaints were radiating pain to one upper extrimity and the most frequent site of operation or involvement was the C5-6 level. Postoperative complications were encountered in 6 cases;Graft extrusion in one, donor site pain in three, and hoarseness in two cases. All postoperative complications were resolved within 3 monhs. In 95% of the patients, the outcome were excellent or good based on Odom's criteria. The duration of symptomes and the character of disc(soft or hard) did not affect the prognosis of outcome. All patients with radiculopathy have improved except two patients who had myelopathy instead they had persistent preoperative symptoms.
Key Words: Cervical disc; Complication; Myelopathy; Radiculopathy
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