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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1994;23(10): 1210-1214.
Primary Pituitary Abscess: Case Report.
Bong Sik Choi, Ki Uk Kim, Dong Gyu Kim, Sang Soo Ha, Hyung Dong Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Dong-A University, Pusan, Korea.
Pituitary abscess may be caused by direct extension of contiguous infections from purulent sphenoid sinusitis, meningitis or cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis. It also develop after craniotomy or transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. In some cases, it was associated with primary pituitary tumor or cyst which were vulnerable to infection because of impaired circulation, areas of necrosis or local immunological impairment. Primary pituitary abscess may also occur without any preceding infection. Since the clinical features, computed tomographic findings, and laboratory data of primary pituitary abscess were similar to pituitary tumor, preoperative diagnosis of pituitary abscess is difficult. Inhomogenous enhancement with central low density and focal bulge at the level of diaphragm was reported to be compatible with computed tomographic findings of pituitary abscess.
Key Words: Primary pituitary abscess; Pituitary tumor
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