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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1993;22(6): 754-760.
Evaluation of Three-Dimentional Computerized Tomography Image of the Growing Skull Fracture on the Orbital Roof.
Jie Woong Lee, Young Soo Kim, Seong Hoon Oh, Yong Ko, Suck Jun Oh, Nam Kyu Kim, Kwang Myung Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, Hanyang University, School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Growing skull fracture is a rare complication of a closed head injury during infancy and childhood. Most growing skull fracture are located in the parietal region. The authors report a case of growing skull fracture of the orbital roof using three dimentional computerized tomography(3-D CT) imaging, the shpae and the size of defect were clearly demonstrated.
Key Words: Growing skull fracture; Orbital Roof; 3-D CT
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