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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1993;22(2): 205-212.
Severe Head Injury:Clinical Prognostic Factors.
Joon Seok Song, Eun Joo Ha, Jong Soo Lee, Seung Jae Lee, Hyo Il Park
Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul Paik Hospital College of Medicine, Inje University, Seoul, Korea.
A clinical analysis was carried out retrospectively with 54 cases of severe head injured patients(Glasgow Coma Scale score 3 to 8) to identify prognostic factors. Unawareness for over 1 month, abnormal papillary reaction, abnormal motor response pattern, and diffuse head injury with basal cisternal compression prove to be the most reliable predictors. Individual predictions of outcome provide a powerful too for assessing the relative efficacy of alternative treatments.
Key Words: Severe head injury; Unawareness; Pupil; Motor response; Basal cisternal compression
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