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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1991;20(5): 376-381.
Suprasellar Chondroid Chordoma In Childhood: Case Report.
Young Il Ha, Hong Jae Rim, Choong Hyun Kim
Departments of Neurosurgery, Kangnam General Hospital, Public Corporation, Seoul, Korea.
An unusual case of suprasellar chondroid chordoma in childhood is reported. The patient, a 14-year old boy, presented with total blindness of the left eye which was initially diagnosed as primary optic nerve atrophy. The frontotemporal craniotomy was performed and irradiated postoperatively. Intracranial chordomas in children are rare especially in chondroid varient of the classical chordoma. We reviewed the literatures and stressed this rare case in aspects of the treatment, prognosis and pathological characteristics.
Key Words: Intracranial; Chordoma; Chondroid chordoma; Sella; Childhood
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