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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1990;19(7): 1050-1052.
A Case of Trigeminal Neuropathy Treated by Microvascular Decompression.
Sung Nam Hwang, Jin Ho Mock, Young Baeg Kim, Duck Young Choi
Department of Neurosurgery, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
Trigeminal neuropathy os characterized by unremitting facial pain, no evident trigger point and facial sensory change. According to Jannetta, in trigeminal neuropathy, the offending artery is not necessarily in contact with the root entry zone(REZ) but any site of the nerve. We have recently experienced a 48-year-old woman with symptoms and signs compatible with trigeminal neuropathy and explored the CP angle. SCA was crossing just anterior to the trigeminal root and one small arterial loop was lying on the pons close to the root entry zone(REZ) but neither of them was in diirect contact with the nerve. Teflon felt was inserted between the arteries and nerve and secured with silk and beriplast for fear that they should contact by changing position. Immediately after the operation the facial pain and pre-existing facial sensory change were completely gone.
Key Words: Trigeminal neuralgia; Trigeminal neuropathy; Microvascular decompression; Facial pain
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