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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1990;19(1): 70-78.
Clinical Survey of Intracranial Acute Subdural Hematoma.
Sung Taek Kim, Jun Seung Lee, Ik Seung Kwon, Seung Kuan Hong, Myong Sun Moon
Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul Red Cross Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
One Hundred and eight patients received operation for acute subdural hematoma were evaluated in prognostic factors. They were admitted to the Neurosurgical Department in S.R.C.H during the 3 years from January, 1986 to December, 1988. The results were as follows ; 1) The patients were consist of 85 male patients and 23 female patients with the sex ratio 3.7 : 1. 2) Evaluated prognostic factors were age and sex, preoperative Glasgow coma scale(GCS), preoperative pathological physical findings, time interval from injury to operation, type of injury, midline shift, location of hematoma, thickness of hematoma, and operative procedure. 3) On the statistical analysis, factors of GCS and midline shift were considerable significant factors. 4) In the overall results of 108 patients, 47 patients(43.5%) had good recovery, 9 patients(8.3%) had moderate disabled state, 2 patients(1.9%) were severe disabled state, 4 patients(3.7%) were vegetative state, and 46 patients(42.6%) died.
Key Words: Acute subdural hematoma; Prognostic factors; Statistical analysis
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