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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1989;18(7-12): 1073-1077.
Ultrasonography of Herniated Lumbar Disc: Pre- & Postoperative Evaluation.
Choong Hyun Kim, Yeon Won Park
1Department of Neurosurgery, Changdong Armed Forces Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Radiology, Changdong Armed Forces Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
Sonographic evaluation of the 23 patients with herniated lumbar disc was carried out via anterior approach. The most important sonographic finding of the herniated disc was posterior displacement of the ventral echogenic line. Twenty patients(87%) were coincided in the result of the preoperative sonography and myelography. Of them, 19 patients were well correlated with surgical findings. A 19 of the 20 patients with satisfactory outcome found changes on the postoperative sonogram. In conclusion, disc sonography may be the modality evaluating patients with low back pain and radiculopathy. And also, sonography will become the supplementary study of the patient who has the persistent radiculopathy following discectomy.
Key Words: Herniated lumbar disc; Ultrasonography; Discectomy; Outcome
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