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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1989;18(4): 580-587.
Clinical Analysis of Chronic Subdural Hematoma after Burr-Hole Craniostomy and Closed-System Drainage.
Dong Kyu Jung, Young Bae Lee, Kwan Park, Young Baek Kim, Byung Kook Min, Sung Nam Hwang, Jong Sik Suk, Duck Young Choi
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
In a retrospective study between January 1984, and July 1985, 50 cases of chronic subdural hematoma were analysed. All hematomas were operated on by enlarged burr-hole craniostomy and closed-system drainage. The results of the analysis were summerized as follows: 1) Eighty percent of the patients were 40 years or older. The ratio of male versus female was 4.6:1. 2) History of trauma was present in 70%, Seven patients were known to be chronic alcoholics. 3) The major clinical symptoms and signs were headache(72%), alteration of consciousness(54%), motor weakness(48%), papilledema(34%). 4) Clinical findings at admission and outcome at discharge were graded according to the scale proposed by Markwalder et al. Majority of the patients belonged to group 1(52%), followed by . group 2(40%), 3(6%). 5) The hematoma densities in brain CT at admission were hypodense(46%), isodense(34%), hyperdense(16%), and mixed-dense(4%). The shapes were planoconvex(42%), crescentic(32%), biconvex(26%). Four patients(8%) had bilateral hematomas at admission. 6) The average numbers of burr-hole craniostomy were two (80%), and the average duration of drainage was three days(72%). Only four hematomas were without neomembranes. 7) Burr-hole craniostomy and catheter drainage resulted in an excellent outcome in 43 patients(86%) at the time of discharge. There was no death in this study group.
Key Words: Chronic subdural hematoma; Head trauma; Burr-hole drainage
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