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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1989;18(3): 491-495.
Two Cases of Redundant Nerve Root Syndrome of Cauda Equina.
Myeong Saup Kim, Moon Sick Park, Gi Hwan Choi, Hyung Tae Yeo, Jung Kil Rhee
Department of Neurosurgery, Catholic Hospital, Taegu, Korea.
Two cases of redundant nerve root syndrome of cauda equina in patient was described. The general clinical features were the intermittent neurologic claudication with improvement at rest, low back pain of long duration and radicular pain in one or both legs, sensory & motor change in one or both legs. Myelography revealed a partial to complete block with characteristic serpentine filling defects above or below the block simulating a vascular malformation. One case was associated with lumbar H.N.P and the other cases were associated with L-H.N.P and pseudospondylolithesis. In addition to, we reviewed the literature of redundant nerve root syndrome of the cauda equina.
Key Words: Redundant nerve root; Intermittent neurologic claudication; Low back pain with radicular pain; Myelography; Cauda equina
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