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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1988;17(6): 1195-1206.
Protective Effect of Combinations of Mannitol and Phenytoin on the Experimental Acute Focal Cerebral Ischemia.
Sung Hak Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.
It is the purpose of this experimental study to evauate the therapeutic effect of the combinations of Mannitol and phenytoin on the acute focal cerebral ischemia in cats. Acute focal cerebral ischemia was induced by transorbital occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery(MCA) with Heifetz clip under the operating microscope. The experimental animals were divided into four groups: The first froup was sham control group(12 cats). The second group was occlusion group which was induced acute ischemia for 3 hours by occlusion of MCA(12 cats). The third group was recirculation group which was recirculated for 2 hours after occlusion of MCA for 3 hours(12 cats). The fourth group was treatment group which was pretreated with combinations of Mannitol(2 gm/kg) and phenytoin(12mg/kg) at 30 minutes before MCA occlusion initially and then same dosaged Mannitol at each 90 minutes intervals(12 cats). As the biochemical studies, cytochrome oxidase activities and concentration of lipid peroxide were measured and analysed, and the degree of infarction, hemispheric swelling and the comparative microscopic findings of the infracted areas were studied as the pathohistologic studies. In this experimental study, the beneficial therapeutic effect of combinations Mannitol and phenytoin was observed in cats of 3-hour occlusion of MCA with 2 hour-recirculation. It was suggest that pretreatment of combinations of above agents with different sites of action or synergistic coupling may be better suited to combat the myriad processes that make up the ischemic cascade.
Key Words: Acute focal cerebral ischemia; Cytochrome oxidase; Lipid peroxidation; Mannitol; Phenytoin
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