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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1987;16(3): 911-920.
Cervical Neurilemmoma Associated with Cavernous Angioma: Report of One Case.
Ik Seung Kwon, Seung Kuan Hong, Soon Kie Kim, Myong Sun Moon
Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul Red Cross Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
We report a rare case of cervical intradural extramedullary neurilemmoma associated with extradural cavernous angioma in adolescent male patient. This 19-year-old man complained of increasing weakness of left extremities with pain and numbness, starting upwards from the region of left leg since 2 months before, which has aggravated gradually and developed to right side. Neither the patient nor any family member displayed the stigmata of spinal tumor. Neurological examination showed spastic qudriparesis, more severe on left side, disclosed absent vibratory sense and diminution of pain and touch below level of cervico-thoracic junction. Myelogram demonstrated a large filling defect at the C4-6 vertebral level, which was interpreted as an intradural extramedullary or extradural mass. Laminectomy was performed 4 days after admission. At surgery, reddish, diffuse and well demarcated friable mass was found extradural space at the level of C4-6. But post-operative course was not improved for 2 weeks, so we are performed second operation after identified another intradural extramedullary mass by spinal CT. A total removal of tumor mass was accomplished at second procedure. Hostological examination confirmed the diagnosis of cavernous angioma at the extradural mass, neurilemmoma at the intradural extramedullary mass. The post-operative course was satisfactory.
Key Words: Myelography; Spinal computed tomography; Laminectomy; Extradural cavernous angioma; Intradural extramedullary neurilemmoma
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