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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1987;16(3): 593-606.
The Status of Central Nervous System Tumors in Daegu City and Kyungbook Province.
Soo Ho Cho, Byung Yearn Choi, Yen Mook Park, Seung Lae Kim, Jung Kyo Lee, In Hong Kim, Hyung Tae Yeo, Jung Kil Rhee, Sung Soo Hwang, Sang Chul Kim, Park Jang Byun, Woo Hong Chu, Young Woo Byun, Yeung Doo Koo
1Scientific Part, Daegu, Korea.
2Kyungbook Chapter of Korean Neurosurgical Society, Korea.
The authors analized statistically 403 cases of C.N.S. tumors confirmed by pathology in the boundary of Daegu city and Kyungbook province from January 1984 to December 1986. The results were as follows: 1) The each cases of male and female were 220(54.6%) and 183(45.4%). 2) Intracranial tumors were 288 cases(71.5%), spinal tumors 75(18.6%), and others 40(9.9%). 3) Numbers of C.N.S. tumors were 8.7/100,000 population in city and 6.3/100,000 in country. 4) Among the intracranial tumors, glioma(30.9%) was the most common and followed by meningioma(16.3%) and metastatic tumor(8.7%). Among the spinal tumors, metastatic tumors was 34.6%, neurofibroma 30.7%, and meningioma 5.3%. 5) The majority of intracranial tumors were found in supratentorial region(76.3%), in which area frequency of tumor incidence were as follows; glioma, meningioma, metastatic tumor. Among the infratentorial area(22.6%), the sequence of tumor incidence were glioma, medulloblastoma, and neurilemmoma, 6) Tumors predominantly in male were oligodendroglioma(2:1), metastatic tumor(1.8:1), and medulloblastoma(1.7:1), and in female were meningioma(1:2), neurilemmoma(1:1.7), and pituitary tumor(1:1.5). 7) Peak age incidence of glioma, meningioma, and neurilemmoma were from 40 to 60 years, pituitary tumor and oligodendroglioma were 30 to 50 years, craniopharyngioma and ependymoma were around 10 years old, and metastatic tumor was 50 to 70 years old. 8) In the spinal tumors, the most favorable site of longitudinal axis was thoracic area(62.7%) and transverse location was epidural space(45.3%). 9) The most common site of metastatic tumor were came from lung(29.1%) in brain metastasis and prostate(19.2%) in spine.
Key Words: Statistic analysis; Central Nervous System; Brain tumor; Spine tumor; Daegu; Kyungbook
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