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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1986;15(4): 681-690.
A Clinical Analysis of Treatment of Cervical Fracture and Dislocation.
Tae Sup Lee, Won Hyuck Lee, Shi Hyun Cho, Jae Oh Kim, Ki Won Sung, Hwa Yong Rhee
Department of Neurosurgery, Capital Armed Forces General Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
Recently, the authors experienced the thirty-one cases of cervical fracture and dislocation. Among them, nineteen cases underwent surgical treatment and remained conservative treatment. There are three ways in operation ; 1) anterior approach(Cloward, Smith-Robinson method). 2) posterior approach. 3) combined approach(modified Smith-Robinson and posterior fusion). We did a combined approach and the results were excellent.
Key Words: Cervical fracture and dislocation; Smith-Robinson; Cloward; Posterior fusion; Modified Smith-Robinson
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