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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1985;14(2): 475-480.
Treatment of Venous Origin Hemifacial Spasm by Microsurgical Decompression: Case Report.
Chang Rak Choi, Woo Hyun Sung, Myung Soo Ahn, Jin Un Song
Dept. Neurosurgery, St. Paul's Hospital, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
The hemifacial spasm has been proved a state of compression usually by blood vessels to the facial nerve. The vascular compression is usually obvious at operation. Since 1980 we have operated microsurgical decompression of 42 hemifacial spasm. Recently we have experienced a case in which venous running in an anterior posterior direction across the caudal aspect of the root entry zone of the facial nerve caused the spasm was coagulated and divided. After operation the patient improved and he free of facial spasm.
Key Words: Hemifacial spasm; Root entry zone of facial nerve; Vascular compression; Vein
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