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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1979;8(1): 53-58.
A Case of Traumatic Arteriovenous Fistula of the Superficial Temporal Artery.
Sang Youl Lyu, Yong Sung Lee, Sun Kil Choi, Do Yun Hwang, Seung Ku Kang
Department of Neurosurgery, Han Gang Sung Shim Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
Since Winslow and Edwards24) reviewed 20 cases of the arteriovenous fistulas involving temporal artery described in the world wide literatures up to 1934, several authors have added the cases sporadically, but the arteriovenous fistula of the superficial temporal artery is unusual to the head and neck surgeons. Recently we experienced one case of huge traumatic arteriovenous fistula involving the superficial temporal artery and present it here.
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