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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1978;7(1): 177-186.
Three Cases o Hemangioblastomas in the Posterior Fossa.
Jong Ku Choi, Jeong Wha Chu, Ki Chan Lee, Soon Sung Ro
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
We have recently managed three cases of cerebellar hemangioblastomas in adult male in which the vertebral angiograms and C-T scan led us to diagnose the vascular mass lesions involving the right, left lobe and superior vermis respectively. Polycythemia, angiomatosis retinae and familial incidence were not detected but signs of increased intracranial pressure and of cerebellar dysfunction in varying degrees were common to all three cases. The duration of symptoms and signs ranged from weeks to years. The lesion in the right lobe was a fairly large mass harboring multiple small cysts in it and able to removed completely. The mass in the left lobe was paramedian in location and obstructing the 4 th ventricle. It was also large and entirely cystic accompanying a mural nodule in it and easily removed completely. The lesion occupying the cerebellar vermis was a large solid one and extending diffusely up to posterior third ventricle region and could only be removed partially.
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