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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1977;6(2): 525-532.
A Case of Malignant Schwannoma in the Thoracolumbal Region.
H I Choi, J W Chu, K C Lee, D W Jun
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Korea University, Korea.
A rare case of malignant schwannoma is reported in which the patient, a 50 year-old man, received repeated surgical operations for frequent recurrences of the tumor masses in thoracolumbar region of his back. The masses were in the paravertebral, with involvement of spine compressing the cord and of neighbouring tissue and structures. Simple X-rays demonstrated a compression of the body of L1 vertebra along with destruction of the spinous processes of T12 and L1. At operation, most of the accessible tumor tissue was removed and an adequate decompression achieved for spinal cord. Histological studies of each specimens revealed malignant schwannoma involving the spine and surrounding tissues. According to pathological finding malignant schwannoma was confirmed. Malignant peripheral nerve tumors are very rare and highly malignant. They must be treated by surgical measures either by radical local resection or amputation when necessary. Radical local excision might be applicable as the first attempt on a low grade tumor while an amputation might be a necessary procedure for recurrent tumor or for on showing a high grade of malignancy. Radical excision at the first attempt ar eradication is often the only golden opportunity for permanent cure. The high rate of local recurrence after inadequate excision has been emphasized.
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